Tuesday, March 6, 2012


When you are faced with something that you know could very well throw you off track, something that you know has been your downfall in the past, what do you do?

Today was "Chip & Dip" day in my department at work.  I didn't know about this, as it was something that was organized in my absence.  So when I arrived at work this afternoon, I was faced with this:

Let's get a closer look.

For me, potato chips, tortilla chips, guacamole, cheese dip, and other creamy dips have been some of the foods that have wrecked my diets of past.  I don't keep this stuff in the house now because I know, I know, that I won't be able to control myself if it's just me, a bag, and a dip

You can't see them in the pictures, but I counted six bags of tortilla chips at work today.  Six. Bags. Big ones.  For my own lunch I had brought a bowl of my favorite taco soup that I made last night.  While I know that I can't keep things like this in the house, I know that on Weight Watchers, I can incorporate small servings into my daily Points+ total (or use some of my 49 weekly Points+ values on an indulgence).  Part of my Weight Watchers success has been limiting my use of my weekly Points+ values. Very rarely have I dipped into that cushion.

Today I decided that I'd figure one serving of tortilla chips into my daily Points+ tally so that I could have them with my soup.  One serving of tortilla chips (about seven whole chips) has 4 Points+.  This means that in order to eat those chips, I have to either shave off 4 Points+ by way of axing something else I had planned to eat, or earn enough exercise Points+ so that I can eat the chips without dipping into my weekly Points+ values.  I decided that I would eat more zero Points+ value veggies at dinner so that I could have the chips.

This is why I love Weight Watchers -- the system guides you to watch what you eat, to be conscious of everything you put in your mouth, while doing away with the notion that certain foods are bad.  This is the structure that I need after years of fad dieting and living with EDs.   I didn't have any of the dips today, but I don't feel deprived at all because I was able to eat something I love while staying on track with my weight loss plan.

What do you do when you're tempted?  Do you have a backup plan?


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