Non Scale Victories

This is just a sole page where I'll file things that I notice about my changing body because of continued weight loss.  These are the accomplishments that are too small to make an entire blog post about, but significant enough that I want to recognize them.

02/18/12 - (Saturday) My coat was not too small, but it took some work to zip it up when I first bought it.  I had to gather the bottom part of the hem above my belly, zip, then pull it down over my hips.  Today, without thinking, I zipped it up without having to gather the hem first.  Once I realized that, I noticed that there's a lot of room in the lower portion. My belly is shrinking!

02/23/12 - (Thursday) Was working on a truck of books (in library lingo, "truck" means "cart with shelves") that was six shelves full.  I did not realize this in the past but when I sat in my wheeled chair at my desk and I pulled the full truck toward me, my chair does not move because I was too heavy, heavier than the cart full of books.  Today tried to pull the truck toward myself, but my chair moved and the truck stayed put.  This means that I am lighter than my workload now.  This may not seem like much, but it is to me.  When you notice things like this it can be mind-blowing because you never paid attention to it before.

03/08/12 - (Thursday) Was a very rainy day today and I was annoyed that my new cross-body bag might get wet. Without thinking I put it on under my coat to protect it and realized that it was zipped up over my bag with a LOT of room to spare.  I was able to look down my collar and see the floor because there was just so much space between me and the fabric.  The coat is officially TOO BIG!

03/20/12 - (Tuesday) Just spent an hour and a half going through boxed up clothes that were too small; sorting everything for laundering and to send to the cleaners. It's like I have a whole new spring/summer wardrobe without spending a dime because all the things that were very tight summer '10, and flat out too small last summer are now fitting fine with room! I'm so happy! And pissed, too, because I missed some winter items that are now very loose but I never bothered to try on before it got too warm for them. Hopefully I can get one more use from them for winter '12 without it all looking too ridiculous.